BVSc (Hons I) FANZCVS (Onc) DACVIM (Onc)
Catherine graduated from The University of Queensland in 2009. She started her career by completing a small animal internship at Veterinary Specialist Services in 2010. She then worked in both emergency and general practice, before moving to Sydney in 2012 to complete a three-year residency in Veterinary Oncology. Catherine has received extensive training from several board-certified oncologists and has undertaken training overseas at the University of Missouri and Colorado State University. Catherine is board-certified by both the American (ACVIM) and Australian (ANZCVS) colleges in veterinary oncology. Catherine is currently the director and consultant for an online veterinary oncology consultancy service 'The Pet Oncologist' and she provides an oncology referral service at 'Veterinary Specialist Services'.
Catherine treats all types of cancer in pets. Her top priority is patient care and supporting families of pets that have cancer. She also has a strong interest in finding ways to improve remission and survival for pets with cancer while striving to maintain an excellent quality of life for each pet she treats.
In her spare time, she likes to spend time with her two little boys and cat, and sometimes she likes to spend time with her husband.