Dr Rachel Korman | Feline Medicine | Veterinary Specialist Services | Cat Vet Brisbane


BVSc MANZCVS (Internal Medicine)

FANZCVS (Feline Medicine) Specialist Feline Medicine

After graduating from the University of Queensland in 2000, Dr. Korman worked in small animal and feline only practices in both Australia and the United Kingdom.

She was awarded a Feline Advisory Bureau (now International Cat Care) Senior Clinical Training Scholarship at the University of Bristol and completed research in the areas of feline infectious and haematological disease. She became a Fellow of the Australian New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists and a registered specialist in Feline Medicine in 2018.

She is a member of the Feline Expert Panel, a reviewer for the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, contributing author to the British Small Animal Veterinary Association of Feline Practice, a member of the Australian Heartworm Advisory Panel and a tutor for the Feline Medicine Distance Education Course (University of Sydney). She lectures extensively throughout the United Kingdom, Europe and Asia and was given a Cynthia Award from International Cat Care for her dedication to cats.

Dr. Korman works at Veterinary Specialist Services in Brisbane where she heads the feline medicine service and cat friendly clinic. Her passion stems from the bond between animals and their owners and the strength of every cat's personality!

She shares her home with two children, Professor Moriarty (a Burmese with a mind for evil deeds), Maus (a partially sighted British shorthair) and Whinny, a rescue Chihuahua who is a glorified cat. Any free time is divided between kids, cats and the dog!

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