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Tips on Feline Handling

Posted on 28 September 2021

'Can we tame the spicy kitties?'

Tips on Feline Handling by Natalie Hunt (BAppSc - VT)

Cats: you can either be comfortable, anxious or downright terrified with handling them. This tends to come down to whether you have been around cats a lot, or not so much, as well as whether you have had negative or positive experiences with them.

Cats have continued to maintain several of their behavioural traits from their ancestors such as:

  • Solitary hunters
  • Self reliant
  • Heightened smell sensitivity
  • Highly territorial
  • High prey drive
  • Emotional
  • Excellent hearing
  • Tendency to avoid conflict
  • Wary of predators

The scenario cats experience when coming into a clinic, tend to follow a similar pattern, and the following scenarios are all producers of stress:

  • Being trapped, and moved into a car
  • Car journey
  • Unfamiliar smells of a clinic (chemicals, other animals)
  • Barking dogs, loud talking
  • Handling by unfamiliar people

So why do we want to lessen the amount of stress a cat experiences in the veterinary setting? Simply: Stress = fear = aggression.


  • Be calm and confident
  • Show respect
  • Move slowly and quietly
  • No loud noises or sounds
  • No dogs
  • Be kind
  • Speak softly

Is there ever an acceptable time to scruff a cat? The short answer is no

Further tips for feline friendly handling:

  • ‘Less is more’. Avoid heavy restraint and rough handling.
  • Avoid hissing or noxious noises
  • Gentle, quiet and slow approach
  • Be prepared
  • Quiet clippers or don’t clip if the patient resents it
  • Small gauge needles
  • Take breaks as necessary
  • Keep the cat close to your body
  • Read and respond to their behaviour and signs (dilated pupils, ear positioning)
  • Stop before the cat becomes angry (hissing or scratching)

Develop an understanding, respect and ‘cattitude’ and you are well on your way to making these challenging patients not be so intimidating.

Author:Natalie Hunt
Tags:VSS ConferenceFelineVSS Resource Area
